Our last week in Toulouse went by entirely too fast. On
Tuesday we crammed into a car and drove to Roquefort, France. Here we learned
about all the specialized processes that go into producing Roquefort cheese.
Cheese is something I am very interested in so I had been looking forward to
this trip most of all. The place we went to was called Societe cheese. Here
they produce three different kinds of Roquefort cheese along with several
further processed products. Along the tour we learned the legend and history
behind the cheese. Deep in the cave where the cheese grows for three weeks it
was cold and you could see the mold growing on the rock walls. When we finally
got to the growth room it was breath taking to be able to see all the cheese
lined up wall to wall. We were allowed to go inside the growth room and talk to
one for the cheese masters of Societe. He showed us how he digs into the core
of the cheese wheel to make sure there is adequate growth throughout the
cheese. At the end of the tour we got to sample the Roquefort cheese and
purchase some freshly wrapped. This was definitely an experience I will be
crossing off my
bucket list.
bucket list.
This week we also toured several other caves including one
with cave paintings from over 12000 years ago. We took a boat tour along an
underground river that had different types of stalagmites and stalactites. And
we viewed two water plants that purify and recycle the water supply for
Toulouse. For our last week here in Toulouse we made sure to sample as much
food as we could, we even had a delicious fondue with mushrooms floating right
in the cheese.

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